S.K. Needful Things
A shop of antiquities and other priceless items...



And a Closer view...


Ever read a book By Stephen King? Well, he wrote a book titled Needful Things. It is a complicated book, but basically is somewhat about the power that "things" have over us---those things that we feel we simply can't live without. It tells the story of putting "things" in their right place....I recommend it! 

Please take a little detour if you like; click on the book to go to the Stephen King website.

Well, Needful Things in the Village contains all of those items (or at least a few) that I thought I couldn't live without! And there are some replicas and pictures of "things" that wouldn't fit in the store! The store is far from complete, since I have far too many Needful Things; but it is a start---and an interesting antique and wild sundries store! Enjoy and consider your needful things....

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