The Oriental Carpet Shop


I had wanted a  Lawbre Roombox for several years. They create marvelous custom pieces. So when I sent them the detailed specifications and samples of wallpaper as well as the lighting, I knew that I would end up with a marvelous roombox meeting my every expectation. I had visualized a deluxe oriental carpet shop in some hidden away location. And here we have it! Now, a few details...

I rolled up inexpensive carpets, put handmade labels on each and stacked them for the Oriental Shop atmosphere. The carpets that are visible are the more expensive "real" carpets. In addition, the shelves hold artwork and pottery rather than books. 

To create the illusion of a three dimensional area rather than a roombox, I used a back hall, with closed doors and special lighting. A door on the side wall helps to complete the illusion. All of the woodwork throughout the shop is done in a very dark wood. The floor is wood panels with inset borders on the edges. 

Since I often get requests about building specifics, I have listed a few below:

    The wallpaper is William Morris Wallpaper

   The lighting came from Ray Storey Lighting

   The Oriental rugs came from all over. The internet has an amazing supply. The very best rugs that show were from Barry Dawson of Classic Carpets.

Carol Bull of Bags of Character made the people.

Please contact me with questions:

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